Hi, I'm Brett

Marketing Specialist

Category: Uncategorized

  • Adding Docker Applications to Swizzin Installs

    So, after the recent r/seedboxes Guides Post, there was some interest in knowing how to integrate something dockerized into the Swizzin panel. First we’re going to start at the highest level, installing Docker. Then we’ll move over to creating a compose, creating a systemd for the compose, how to put it behind nginx, and finally…

  • Should I Defrag XFS?

    XFS is a high performance filesystem, meant for high amounts of IO and will take a beating with varying sized files, and has the ability to scale quite easily. While XFS provides many benefits to IO by allowing striped allocation, etc. etc. it can become fragmented. Which is liklely why you’re here. The highest risk…

  • The Power of the Python Virtual Environment

    People often come to me asking “how do I add x” to my system… or say “it’s missing dependency x…” but in reality, the user has actually failed to look at the venv module to help with their day to day operations. Virtual environments are a way for Python programs to be run in a…

  • Some Linux Systems Administration Wisdom

    The Bourne Again SHell, or BASH for short, is a powerful language that can be used for low-level linux system administration operations. While modern systems engineers have a strong liking to more robust solutions like Redhat’s Ansible, for consumer facing projects I find that readability is key. Now, sure ansible is readable, but it’s unapproachable.…